What drives me
to create with code

Building and enhancing software to make people's days better is what I do. Passion for learning and improvement has always been part of me. In university, I studied operations intending to make processes for companies simpler, smoother, and more efficient. While working across diverse industries I was struck by how even small improvements in systems and processes universally made radical impacts on user happiness and satisfaction.

Between work and pursuing my own outside interests, I have seen just how much the right technology can help people every day. Now I devote my time to building those products and improving the world a little bit at a time.

My Work

Here are a few of my latest projects, I invite you to explore them

Overview of the Training Plan Generator

Training Plan Generator

JavaScript | Node.js | MongoDB | Express
Automatically Generated, individualley tailored marathon training plans that are saved for you to use over time

Overview of the Training Plan Generator

Poker Log

Python | Flask | MySQL | AWS Lightsail/RDS
Upload ledger files from PokerNow and track the profits/losses of all players in your poker group

Summer Camp Preview

Summer Running Camp

A simple and fresh landing page for a local summer running camp for high schoolers.

ChristoLandry.com Preview

Astronomy Club

A fully responsive, beautiful, and modern website pulling in astronomy data from NASA.

Happy Tails Preview

Happy Tails

Fun, color and fantastic pictures make this dog groomer's site pop.

My Tech Skills

I enjoy keeping up with current and upcoming industry tools, frameworks and trends. I'm most comfortable with JavaScript but I'm always happy to add a new tool to my belt!

Front End

React, JavaScript, Express, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap


Node.js, SQLite, MongoDB, Python

I'm a Software Engineer based in Charlotte, NC

Solving problems and providing elegant, innovative, and accessible solutions is a passion of mine.

When I'm not coding, I can be found chasing and playing with my children, reading all the books, out running, and giving various hobbies a whirl (most recently board gaming).


Let's Connect

I'm currently accepting full time job offers, freelance clients, and interesting project opportunities.